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17 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners and Experts Alike

Jul 07, 2023Jul 07, 2023

By Jessica Ilyse Kurn

Have you ever tried to grow a garden only to have it fail? You might want to change up your usual routine by adding a couple of key gardening tips. “We say people kill plants with love all the time,” says Mobee Weinstein, the foreman of gardeners at the New York Botanical Garden who specializes in outdoor gardens.

Depending on your space and garden maintenance experience, your garden could be an elaborate production with rows of kale, zucchini, and herbs, or can be as simple as a pot of lettuce on your balcony. “I always encourage people to give gardening a try because it is empowering to be able to grow your own food,” says Ashley Nussman-Berry, the creator of the Black Planters Facebook Group, a virtual collective of more than 42,000 people that serves as a safe space for Black gardeners.

Inspiring as it may be to get your hands dirty and grow your own food, it can be frustrating when your lettuces wilt, your cucumber plants don’t produce fruit, or animals get to that juicy tomato before you do. Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, add the following gardening tips to your repertoire to avoid headaches and make the entire process more enjoyable.

First things first: Pick out the location for your garden. Choose a vegetable garden spot based on certain considerations like how much sunshine the area gets (direct sun for at least 6–8 hours is best), and think about how the soil drains (if you’ve seen big puddles pooling, this is not the area for a garden).

Another less technical—but just as important—point to consider is whether your garden is located in an area you often encounter. Out of sight, out of mind: This old adage rings very true for vegetable gardens. Bryn Bird, a farmer at Bird’s Haven Farms in Granville, Ohio, says, “Your garden is a part of your life, not something that you just put in the corner and are not engaging with every day.” A great spot is a place you already walk by daily that won’t become a burden to frequent.

Full sun is important for many crops, but not all. Do not be afraid to grow veggies if you can’t find a spot in direct sun. Greens like lettuces, spinach, and herbs do well in shadier, cooler areas. Weinstein explains that sometimes there are ways to create more sun, like taking down a dead tree that’s shading an area or pruning a living one. If there’s a wall next to your spot, you could also try painting it white to reflect sunlight.

Once your space is picked out, it’s time to work on the soil. Remove weeds and debris from the area and make sure to take out large rocks as you go. Weinstein strongly suggests testing your soil to get some data points: “You can be in a pristine area and think that your soil is perfectly safe and it’s not, especially if you’re growing food.” Lead, a huge hazard especially for children, is a big problem when it comes to soil contamination.

Soil testing also provides information about the soil’s health. For example, learning the pH and nutrient levels of your soil will key you into what amendments need to be added to the soil—such as fertilizers or organic matter.

Many state universities—particularly land-grant universities—have agricultural extension offices that offer soil testing. The US Environmental Protection Agency also maintains a list of laboratories included in their National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program.

After testing, look at the quality of your soil. For example, do you have sand or pure clay, and does the area drain when it rains? Weinstein says adding organic matter like compost is key: “Organic matter is close to the magical fix, and once plants start growing there, the environment will improve and things will start moving in.”

Raised garden beds make it easier to garden anywhere.

If you find lead or other contaminants, your soil isn’t good, and if you do want to grow in a contained space, raised beds may be a good option. They’re also excellent for ergonomic gardening, and can be built at the height of a wheelchair or around other mobility accommodations.

How to size a raised bed is dependent on your space. For a smaller area, buy or build boxes that are 2x4 or 2x6 feet, as they’re good sizes to configure in many different spaces. If you have the space, 3–4" wide by 6–8" long boxes are more standard. Just remember: Raised beds should be narrow enough that you are able to reach the middle of the beds easily.

Once your raised beds are built, level the ground under the beds and line the bottom of the boxes with landscape fabric to prevent weeds from growing into your veggie patch. This step is particularly important if you have contaminated or poor-quality soil underneath.

Even though your neighbors are planting cucumbers or radishes, if you barely eat them, don’t plant them! Brie Arthur, a bestselling author and horticulturist, suggests growing practical crops, meaning the ones you eat on a weekly basis. She recommends jotting down the foods you cook and eat for a week or two to identify what you use repeatedly. Of those foods, pick the ones that work well in your climate. For example, her family eats a lot of garlic, potatoes, and onions, so that’s what she grows. “Then when I go to the store I don’t have to buy those things every week. It really translates into feeling like the act of gardening provides a tangible solution,” she says.

Not all crops are well suited to every region. Identify plants that will work in your neck of the woods by looking up your plant zone—a geographic area based on average winter temperatures. Ashley Nussman-Berry notes that a common mistake for new gardeners is to plant the wrong crops: “I cannot grow citrus plants in zone seven, though I would really love to,” she says. “You have to grow what will survive in your area or you are just setting up your garden for failure.”

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

Type your zip code into the USDA’s Plant Hardiness Zone Map to figure out your growing season and zone. This map divides North America into 11 planting zones. Take this information with you when buying seeds or seedlings (the packaging should clue you into which crops to grow).

Right off the bat, you want to know if your ground is frozen. “Once your freezing temperatures are behind you, you can start putting out your cool crops,” advises Weinstein. For some regions that’s year-round, but for those with cold winters the last frost date is generally around March or April.

Then Weinstein suggests breaking crops into cool plants and warm plants. For cool crops like peas and greens, you can start planting when the soil is workable and air temperatures are above 40℉. Warm crops like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and melons have to wait until nighttime temperatures are at least 60℉.

Get a head start on planting, which of course means the same for harvesting, by starting some of your new plants indoors. This technique is especially important for growing warm weather plants in cooler climates. Then once temperatures are appropriate to put the plants outdoors, you’ll already have a seedling. The general rule of thumb with seed starting is to plant them six weeks before the last frost in your region.

To do this, moisten some potting soil, then fill small containers about three-fourths full (use a potting tray or get creative with empty egg cartons or yogurt containers—just don’t forget to poke a hole in the bottom). Next, run your hands through the soil to break up any clumps. Using information on the back of your seed packet, figure out the depth to plant each type of seed. Cover them with a small amount of potting soil and apply a little more water. And don’t forget to label your seeds so you know what’s growing.

Next you’ll want to cover your containers to form a greenhouse environment—plastic wrap propped up with toothpicks works well for this. Seeds need light and warmth to grow. As Weinstein puts it: “A weak seedling is going to make a weak plant.” Give your plants a boost with grow lights and even consider placing a heating pad beneath your seed trays. When the time comes to transplant to the garden, put your plants outside for a couple of days to allow them to adjust to the elements. Lastly, put them in your garden.

Though a lot of gardening basics can be done with your bare hands, there are certain tools that make the whole process a lot easier. For instance, a hand trowel is great to have for transplanting seedlings and for removing weeds. A trowel can also be used for digging holes for bulbs, as well as scooping and mixing compost and soil into your garden beds.

All plants need water to survive. There are many ways you can water your garden, but the most basic and least expensive is picking up a watering can. Consider both the size and the material of said watering can, because even a gallon of water is heavy, clocking in at just over eight pounds.

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

Too much water can spell death for plants. That’s why Weinstein also suggests picking up a rain gauge. This nifty gardening tool allows you to properly assess how much rain you get. “People often think that it rained so they don’t need to water, when really they got nothing,” says Weinstein.

Other tools that are nice to have are wheelbarrows for moving soil, compost, rocks, and mulch around your yard; pruning shears for cutting back unwieldy plants and for harvesting; and gloves to prevent blisters and cuts from thorns.

When it comes to watering, people tend to overwater their indoor plants and underwater their outdoors ones. Growing plants hate erratic or irregular watering. Weinstein says to read up on the crops you’re planting because some tolerate dryness better than others. But, as a general rule of thumb she recommends sticking a finger in the top inch of soil; if it’s starting to dry out, it might be time to water. She also suggests an inch of water a week for each plant (this is where a rain gauge will come in handy in knowing how much water your plants are getting naturally). This measurement translates to about half a gallon per square foot.

To avoid a lot of evaporation, water in the early morning or late in the day when the sun is not as scorching. And try to avoid having wet foliage at night, which is a sure-shot way to promote disease-growing conditions.

Garlic is a beginner-friendly crop.

“Believe it or not, garlic is the easiest to grow,” says Brie Arthur. “You plant it, it grows for six months, you harvest it all at once, and you’re done.” While it’s growing, you don’t have to water it, or fertilize it—just leave it until it’s ready. Not only does garlic require little space, but Arthur says that you can plant garlic purchased at the grocery store. It’s a plant that gets very few diseases and insect problems. Herbs like chives, cilantro, and rosemary also don’t require much of a green thumb and generally are not consumed by animals.

Length to harvest makes certain crops difficult to grow. This allows plenty of time for something to go awry, which is a shame after spending months nourishing a plant. Ashley Nussman-Berry says asparagus, for example, takes years to produce a harvest. Also, crops like broccoli and artichoke tend to have very specific soil needs and require a lot of maintenance.

Beware tricky tomato plants.

Here’s another difficult crop that may surprise you: tomato plants! “Of course they’re the plant that everyone envisions when you say you're growing a vegetable garden—the crown jewel of vegetable gardening,” says Arthur. Not only do tomatoes take a lot of maintenance, but they’re susceptible to disease and require almost daily interaction between watering, pruning, and harvesting. Additionally, tomatoes don’t set fruit when temperatures are over 90℉, which is happening more and more during US summers. If you’re a first-time gardener and want to try out tomatoes, start small with cherry tomatoes, which are much easier to keep up and take less time to reach harvest.

All is not lost if you don’t have a backyard or you’re dealing with a small space. Find an area that gets some sun—think stoops, balconies, windowsills, and driveways. In all these places try container gardening in pots. Mobee Weinstein suggests buying grow bags to hang from a door for growing strawberries, herbs, or even cherry tomatoes. “People can start small or stay small. There’s always a way,” she says.

Themed gardens have different plants and fun inanimate objects that all support a particular theme. For instance, a pizza garden consists of the herbs and vegetables needed to make pizza, like basil, tomatoes, and perhaps peppers, oregano, and other herbs. Add a wooden “get your pizza here” sign, and voilà!

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

Themed gardens are a great way to get kids involved in the process. Have them paint markers to label each element of the garden, and add whimsical elements like little statues or colorful rocks.

Other easy themed gardens are:

Walking into a garden filled with diseased plants or tons of pests like cabbage moths is a bummer, to say the least. Ashley Nussman-Berry advises people to make a few wise decisions before the problems arise, starting with choosing plant varieties that are disease-resistant.

Once your plants are growing, check on them frequently. Look closely at the top of the leaves, the bottom of the leaves, along the stem; everywhere something could go wrong. Mobee Weinstein says that “catching something early is best because often you can win the battle, it just takes some perseverance.”

If you find a bug, try to pick it off, put it in a plastic bag or take a photo of it, then bring it to a local garden center to get it identified. Once identified, you can look up the best method of defense. Weinstein says many pests can be controlled with soap unless it’s a heavy infestation.

Beneficial insects—like ladybugs, which eat aphids—can help prevent pest infestations. Nussman-Berry also advises you keep your garden well tended by removing debris and weeds to give the pests less of a chance.

Building a fence may keep certain creatures out of your garden.

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

By Katherine McLaughlin

One thing you can do to deter animals is to strategically plant culinary herbs. Adding basil, rosemary, oregano, and mint to the borders of your garden will help deter animals. Arthur is quick to point out that mint is invasive and spreads like wildfire, so be sure to plant it in pots placed around the garden. (She explains that mint and garlic are often two of the main ingredients in animal repellents that you’d buy at the store.) On the line of animal tastes, many don’t like spicy flavors and run at the first taste of cayenne pepper flakes applied to veggie leaves.

Arthur also applies animal repellent. However, they’re all very specific (one for cats and dogs, one for deer, one for squirrels, etc.) so it’s important to figure out who is visiting your garden.

If all else fails, build a fence so animals like deer can’t get into the garden at all. But remember, burrowing animals like moles and voles are sneaky, so you’ll need to dig a trench around the garden and add chicken wire below the surface. If animals are picking only specific plants, try placing them under a wire garden cloche or steak up some netting.

Troubleshooting your vegetable garden isn’t always easy. For example, yellow leaves means the plant is stressed, but from what can be tricky to determine—yellow leaves can mean anything from overwatering to nutrient deficiency to disease. Similarly, black spots can be a sign of over-exposure to sun, fungal infections, or pests. Nussman-Berry diagnoses the problem before she treats the plant: “I start by checking for signs of pests like webs or visible bugs; if I do not see any of these, I try cutting back on watering or covering the plant from sun and seeing if the issue resolves itself.”

As with pests, take pictures of your problems and ask at a university or at your local garden center. All in all, the best way to stay on top of what’s happening in your garden is to carefully and regularly observe your plants. This way you can catch the changes and problems as early as possible.

Growing your own wheat is possible.

Did you know that you can grow your own grains? Arthur is on a mission to get more home gardeners to consider growing wheat, rice, sorghum, and millet. She admits that it takes some square footage to grow a large quantity, but that they’re “really high-impact, beautiful, and super easy to grow, and as of now not really a part of home gardening.”

Right now she has an 850-square-foot bed in her front lawn and from that she harvests about 20 pounds of ground flour. She says neighbors come over to experience the harvesting, threshing, and winnowing processes because it’s so novel. In the fall, “when wheat turns amber, people lose their minds!”

Some of the best garden tips are the ones that save you money. Nussman-Berry has added cardboard and yard waste (leaves, dead grass, sticks) to the bottom of her raised beds to save money on soil, as it is costly to fill garden beds. This technique cuts back on the amount of soil you need. She notes the importance of trial and error in gardening, as is the knowledge that you garner each year you try your hand at growing food: “If something did not work one year, try to fix that problem for the next year,” she says. With a bit of patience and practice, you’ll be well on your way to growing a successful garden at home.